martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Opinion Piece

 In this opinion piece I will talk about  my point of view about tattoos, in a social status, in the negative way.

 First, the society make a negative impression about the person, like an informal. This make that others think that you are not preocupate about your appearence.

 Also, people with tattoos have the difficult mission of look for a job, because they can makea bad or negative impression for the main boss.

 Finally, people with tattoos look like persons with a low socioeconomioc statum, so someone can think that is part of a band or something a like, and that dont make a very good impression for the society.

 So, to close this opinion piece, I will say that person with tattoosgive a bad or negative impression to the society, but is a decision of one to tattoed him or her self.   

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

interactive oral presentation

 "The only way to control what our children wacth is to be with them when they are in front of the TV. Otherwise, they can watch innappropiate shows with inadequate content."

In this image, we can see how the parents are controling what his childs are watching. This is a role model for the parents, to control what his childs wacth.

1. Get the TV out of the Bedroom!
Having a TV in the bedroom may keep your kids quiet, but you lose control over what and how much they watch. A recent study found that children who had a TV in their bedroom watched more TV and performed worse in school tests.
If your child already has a TV in their bedroom, you may have a job on your hands to get it out. We recommend that you just remove the TV and explain your reasons to your child. Be prepared for protests, but remember that you are acting in the best interests of your child, and that you are the boss!
2. Agree TV Time
Agree with your children how much time the family will spend watching TV during the week. Remember to be firm during the negotiations. Your kids need to know that you are the boss – much easier with younger children.
If your children are massive telly addicts, you will need to reduce their screen time gradually. The most important thing for telly addicts is to replace TV time with something else, so you might need to think about active hobbies for your kids.
In my opinion it is correct that the parents have to control his childs, because actually the kids have access to whatever they want to watch on the TV.

-The parents have to control what his son watch.
-The parents have to decide where put the TV
-The directors of programmes, have to controled what put in the programmes, because actually, the childs have access to all in the TV.

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

Formal letter

5 of August
Mr. Jose Pedro Undurraga
Resource Manager
Splash Discotheque
Salon Playa Salinas, Reñaca

              Dear Sir:
    I'm writing this letter because I want or I looking for work in Splash Discotheque, to get money and for the free pass. I also know that you pay a commission of $500 per ticket seller, and if I sell 15 tickets I get the free pass.
   I have, for this job, the skill that I'm very sociable, and I know that my friends would want to buy me.
   If you want to talk with me, I'm available all Friday and Saturdays from 4p to 9p. Please call at +56974417984 to schedule the interview or to say something about the letter. Thanks for your attention, sincerely
Juan Pablo Sepulveda
93, Vicuña Mackena Av. 

martes, 30 de julio de 2013

2° glog

My curriculum

My curriculum

Juan Pablo Sepulveda
Vicuña Mackena 700 reñaca
Phones: (32) 3193709

Objective: To obtain money for personal things, and also learned how can I search and save my own money.

Education: The Mackay School, Selected Courses:
                         Nursery: 2002-2004
                         Primary: 2005-2009
                         Middle: 2010-2012
                         Senior: 2013- (15 years old)

Achievements: Trinity Exam (2012)
                          Simce Test (2008)

Volunteer Experience: I worked in Techo para Chile (2013)

Interests: Work in Splash Discotheque

Skills: I'm very sociable and bilingual
            I'm a sportsman

martes, 18 de junio de 2013


What is imperialism?
Imperialism is when a state or a empire dominates another country or place and put it his laws.

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013


Personal Piece

Personality Disorder in the 
Conventional Medicine
 In the conventional medicine th personality disorder (BPD) is treated better than in the alternative. It is best because the professionals or doctors have a previous study of the illness.
 Now, in this part, I will say why is best conventional medicine to BPD than of the alternative. Firstly as I said in my introduction the doctors have a previous study of the illness. Secondly to treat the BPD we have to take pills ( anthipsychotic ) that are, for the expirience of a friend, is a very good heal and faster recovery than alternative's treatments. Finally is best because the pills, are cheap so is easy to buy then.
 For the conclusion it is best conventional to treat BPD than alternative for all my arguments.   


How to start riding a bike
 To start riding a bike, you take the little wheels to balance the bike. A good technique to start is taking only one wheel. You have to state warning of that because you must balanced to the side with the wheel. When you get used to the balanced your size to the side of the wheel. When you get used you must start relasing the other wheel, to start riding more freedom at the point that the other wheel fail down.
 When you have all these ready, you have to get used the bike in the two naturals wheels. I suggest that you must ride in bigs and larges streets, I say that because I learned in this way.
 The last section is the most faster, but this is the most difficulty, start jumping. Firstly you have to do, is very fast, you must incline your body to the front and then return very faster and powerfully to the back.     


Alternative or Conventional 
 The conventional medicine is about a scientist process, with a previous investigation. Also is most expensive.
 The conventional medicine is best that the Alternative because has most research, the results are more efficient and is easy to take its.
 Alternative medicine, have some disadvantages. First in the research of the conventional is not like the conventional research. It takes a lot of time to prepare (for then take it). Finally the alternative is all about if you believe in that, you take it, if you don't, not.
 Conventional medicine has some advantages previous. Secondly you take it in pills, littles pills and you doesn't have to prepare nothing. After that there are results of the conventional medicine in days, is very faster.
 Now, I like said in my second paragraph, the conventional medicine is best because has more research, the results are more efficient, and is very easiest to take it.
 In my final opinion, of all, I write, is the conventional medicine better than the alternative. 

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013


1. The characteristics of personality disorders are: mental disease. It contains symptoms that are enduring and play a key role in most, if not all, aspects of the persons life. While many disorders think twice in terms of symptom presence and intensity, personality disorders typically remain relatively constant.

2. Personality disorders are associated with genetic factors. Experiences of distress or fear during childhood, such as neglect or abuse, are common. Personality disorders typically emerge in adolescence and continue into adulthood. It may be mild, moderate or severe, and people may have periods of remission where they function well. Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) frequently suffer from other psychiatric disorders as well. When this occurs, they have a “co-occurring” or “comorbid” disorder. The reason borderlines are vulnerable to co-occurring disorders may be partially due to their particular genetic makeup

3. The most common symptoms are:
-Intense emotions and mood swings.
-Harmful, impulsive behaviors.
-Relationship problems.
-You being fell alone.
-Aggressive behavior.

4. Psychotherapy is always or nearly always the treatment uses for the disorder; the medication is used to stabilize the mood swings.  Also the other treatment for the personality disorder is antipsychotic pills.

5. The antipsychotics medication can be effective in reducing some of the symptoms of BPD, also persons 
with this medication reduce the anxiety and paranoid thinking.

6. An antipsychotic is firstly used to manage psychosis but also is using to BPD.

7. The total average daily cost of the antipsychotic was higher for $15.33.

8.  In Chile is not very expensive the antipsychotic. Borderline personality disorder can be treated with psychotherapy, professional in some cases recommend medications to treat specific symptoms. No medications have been approved by the U.S. to treat borderline personality disorder.

9. 100 cases of multiple personality disorder (MPD), a dissociative condition that has been poorly characterized, were collected through a 386-item questionnaire completed by clinicians involved in the treatment of MPD patients.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013